Improving the Intervention Effect of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Job Engagement Through ODI: an Action Research Case Study of ICBC Bank Hunnan Branch




leadership styles,, motivation,, communication competence,, job satisfaction, , job engagement. , John Kotter 8-step of change


Background and Aim: This investigation explores the link between employee engagement and job satisfaction at ICBC Bank in China, using John Kotter's 8-step Change model for organizational development interventions (ODI). The study aims to identify and improve job engagement factors through an action-oriented approach. Data was collected from 33 employees at the ICBC Shenyang Hunnan Branch using a survey tool, analyzing variables such as managers' leadership styles, employee communication competence, job satisfaction, and employees’ job engagement.

Materials and Methods: The mixed-method research strategy analyzed the differences in variables before and after the ODI phase using a paired sample t-test. The organization development intervention (ODI) activities included group dynamics, appreciative inquiry, coaching leadership, goal setting, and team building to modify leadership styles, motivation, and communication competence and influence employees' job satisfaction and engagement.

Results: The post-ODI results indicated significant improvements in leadership styles, motivation, communication competence, and subsequently, job satisfaction and engagement among employees. "The researcher's recommendation promises to deliver significant results by implementing the ODI design in as many as 250 ICBC branches in Shenyang. This approach paves the way for a more efficient and streamlined banking operation to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement.

Conclusion: Quantitative and qualitative results prove that the IVs are significantly related to the intervening variables. In other words, as the IVs improve, the intervening variable also improves. The study underscores the efficacy of targeted OD interventions in enhancing job satisfaction and engagement, offering a model for broader application within the banking sector


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How to Cite

Huang, J., & Lu, L. . (2024). Improving the Intervention Effect of Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Employees’ Job Engagement Through ODI: an Action Research Case Study of ICBC Bank Hunnan Branch. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 233–248.