Effect of Learning Management Using the Orff Approach on Violin Playing Ability of Fourth-Grade Students





Learning Management Using the Orff Approach;, Violin Playing Ability


Background and Aims: In the past, Chinese music education exhibited characteristics of traditional transmission and indoctrination. Students were often in passive roles during their learning process, with teachers predominantly imparting knowledge and methods, neglecting student involvement in practical activities. This experimental research aimed to 1) compare violin playing ability before and after learning through learning management using the Orff approach and 2) compare violin playing ability after learning management using the Orff approach with the criteria at 70%.

Methodology: This study used a cluster sampling method with 30 students as the sample. The research instruments were as follows: 1) Six lesson plans using the Orff approach 2) violin playing ability test, with a reliability of 0.78 3) a violin playing ability assessment form, with a reliability of 0.75. Data were analyzed using the statistical software program. The statistics used for data analysis are the mean, standard deviation, t-test for dependent samples, and t-test for one sample.

Result: After using the learning management using the Orff approach: (1) Students' academic achievements were significantly higher than before use, with a statistically significant difference of 0.05; (2) The student's academic achievements are above the 70% standard, and the difference is statistically significant at 0.05.

Conclusion: Through learning management using the Orff approach, learning efficiency has been improved and the personalized learning needs of students have been met. To help students improve their performance ability and enhance their learning interest.


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How to Cite

Jin, J., Nuansri, M., & Juithong, S. (2024). Effect of Learning Management Using the Orff Approach on Violin Playing Ability of Fourth-Grade Students. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2024.4639