Research ON ICVE-based Blended Learning in Vocational College Business Teaching




ICVE; , SPOC; , Blended Learning; , Vocational College


Background and Aims: In the context of the digital era, the traditional single teaching method can no longer meet the needs of modern teaching. Therefore, this paper adopts the SPOC teaching mode to study the impact of the mode on students' academic performance and to understand students' perception of its use by carrying out the ICVE blended teaching research. It helps improve the teaching strategies and methods of this mode and the quality of talent cultivation.

Research Methodology: A quasi-experimental design was used to compare students' problem-solving abilities, specific knowledge, and specific skills to assess the impact on students' academic performance, and an open-ended questionnaire was used to investigate students' perceptions and experiences.

Results: Conducting ICVE blended instruction resulted in a significant improvement in students' academic performance. At the same time, the model produced better learning experiences and positive impacts.

Conclusion: Carrying out ICVE blended teaching effectively improves the learning effect. In the actual teaching, based on the characteristics of business teaching in vocational colleges, the improvement and optimization of teaching methods are carried out, which provides a strong basis and reference for colleges and universities to implement this teaching mode better.


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How to Cite

Zhang, Y. (2024). Research ON ICVE-based Blended Learning in Vocational College Business Teaching. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 469–486.