The Factors Affecting Learning Achievement in English Language Studies of The Students at North Bangkok University




Factors;, Learning achievement; , English language


Background and Aims: Research emphasizes the critical role that learners' attitudes and behaviors play in determining their success in acquiring the English language, emphasizing the relationship that exists between mindset and actions. Achieving proficiency objectives and optimizing language learning outcomes requires a focus on the development of constructive attitudes and efficient learning behaviors. Thus, the study of the factors affecting learning achievement in English language studies of the students at North Bangkok University aims to investigate the factors affecting learning achievement in English language studies of the students at North Bangkok University.

Methodology: The sample comprises students enrolled in the ENG 101 course, totaling 283 individuals, selected through stratified random sampling and simple random sampling methods. The research methodology involves utilizing a questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument. Statistical analyses employed in the study include percentages, means, standard deviations, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

Results: The results found that the factors of students, teachers, family, and school can collectively predict the factors affecting learning achievement in English language studies of students at North Bangkok University. This predictive set comprises the factors related to students (x1), teachers (x2), and family (x3). These predictor variables can predict the factors that affect the learning achievement in English language studies of the students at North Bangkok University with an accuracy of 42.77%. This can be written as a prediction equation as follows; (1) The prediction equation in raw score format can be expressed as follows: Y = .386+.282X1 +.174X2 + .151X3. (2) The prediction equation in standardized score format can be expressed as follows: ZY = .341X1 +.228X2 + .163X3

Conclusion: According to the study, family dynamics, instructors, and students all have an impact on how well students learn English at North Bangkok University. The accuracy of these predictor variables, which include factors related to students, teachers, and families, in predicting learning outcomes in English language studies is 42.77%.


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How to Cite

Yutthapirut, S. ., Pronsurivong, N., & Uwansri, K. . (2024). The Factors Affecting Learning Achievement in English Language Studies of The Students at North Bangkok University. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 507–516.