A Brief Overview of Music Therapy Content for Practitioners





Music; , Therapy; , Practitioners


Background and Aim: Chinese five-tone music therapy has developed in response to mental health issues. This article provides a briefing on music therapy, music therapeutic practice, and surveying the practice of music therapy. The authors evaluate pertinent papers from studies published outside of China from 2003 to 2023, recommend five publications from experts, and then extract and retrieve scholarly pieces.

Methodology: This paper is documentary research by reviewing the literature related and using the content analysis.

Results: Music therapy, originating in Vienna around 1820, uses music, rhythm, sound, and melody to address physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and psychological needs. It has applications in neonatology, pediatrics, and traditional Chinese five-tone music therapy. The BARIT model and model combine the disciplines of music, medicine, and psychology to target mental health concerns. Music therapists value authenticity and seek training in various styles, genres, instruments, and skills. They believe in the benefits of music therapy for patients and staff and recommend expanding the program, hiring more therapists, increasing daily sessions, and creating a dedicated space.

Conclusion: The article discusses the role of music therapy in helping young people with mental health emergencies, highlighting its benefits in behavioral changes and improved engagement. It suggests using surveys and interviews to create a research framework and develop a tool for developmental study and practical application in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Tan , S., & Sondhiratna, T. . (2024). A Brief Overview of Music Therapy Content for Practitioners. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 199–210. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2024.4751