The Use of Padlet Application for The Integration of Reading and Writing of The Students at A Private University in Pathum Thani Province




Padlet Application;, Integration of Reading and Writing; , Private University


Background and Aims: The study on ‘the use of the Padlet application for the integration of reading and writing of the students at a private university in Pathum Thani Province is important as it investigates new methods to boost student involvement, enhance literacy abilities, encourage teamwork, and utilize technology in education. These results have an impact on both theoretical comprehension and practical implementation in educational environments. The objectives of this study were 1) to examine the English writing achievement of the students after using the Padlet application for the integration of reading and writing of the students at a Private university in Pathum Thani province. 2) To investigate the level of student satisfaction with the use of the Padlet application for the integration of reading and writing of the students at a Private university in Pathum Thani province.

Methodology: The participants in this study were 50 students from a private university in Pathum Thani province who enrolled in Basic Writing in English in the third semester of the academic year 2023, selected through stratified random sampling and simple random sampling methods. The research instrument consisted of 10 sets of English achievement tests and a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by mean and Standard Deviation, t-test.

Results: The research results found that 1) the English writing achievement of the students after using the Padlet application was statistically significantly higher than before taught by using the Padlet application at the .01 level. 2) The level of student satisfaction with the use of the Padlet application for the integration of reading and writing was at a very high level.

Conclusion: The research indicates that the use of the Padlet application significantly improved students' English writing achievement and was met with very high satisfaction for integrating reading and writing.


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How to Cite

Yutthapirut, S. ., Sertpunya, S. ., & Ekwarangkoon, P. . (2024). The Use of Padlet Application for The Integration of Reading and Writing of The Students at A Private University in Pathum Thani Province. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(5), 635–652.