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Effects of Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy in FSA Self-editing for the Correctness of Grammatical Usage Among Students Studying Experiential English II


  • Jutharat Compeerapap



Functional Sentence Analysis, FSA, Units of Meanings, Relations of Function between Units of Meanings, Relations of Forms within Units of Meaning


          The objectives of this research article is to reveal the effects of Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy (FSA) in FSA self-editing of grammatical features with difficulties among first-year Chulalongkorn University students studying in Experiential English II Course. Four writing products written every four-week period throughout the semester are compared for the improvement in the correct usage of grammatical features with difficulties between the experimental group using Functional Sentence Analysis (FSA) Strategy and the control group using general strategies both at the level of Between Units of Meanings (B) and the level of
Within Units of Meanings (W). This research found that the relationships Between Units of Meanings (B) at the Function Level, all four pairs of grammatical features, [Vt][Obj], [Vi][Zero Obj], [Main Cl][Co Conj][Main Cl], [Main Cl][Sub Conj][Sub Cl] between groups, between pieces of writing products and between grammatical features from four writing products between the experimental group using the FSA and the control group unaided was (F(6,174) = 2.20 , p = .045) was statistically significant. Overall,
the Experiential Group had higher accuracy scores for grammatical features with difficulties for correct usage than in the Control Group, and that difference was statistically significant. When analyzing pairs in terms of forms Within Units of Meanings (W) that
there were ten pairs of relationships of grammatical features altogether. Those are [(Det)(Sing CN)], [(Det)(UN)], [(Ving/Adj/Present Participle)(N)], [(N)( /Adj/Present Participle)], [(V.3/Adj/Past Participle)(N)], [(N)(V.3/Adj/Past Participle)], [(Det)(Adv)(Adj)(N)(Prep)(Det)Adv)(Adj)N)], [(Adv)(V)], [(Adv)(Adj)], [(Adv)(Adv)]. This study did not find a statistically significant between groups and writing products. However, the relationships between groups in five pairings which are (F (9,261) = 7.73, p < .001) were found. Again, the Experimental Group out-scored the Control Group, and this was statistically significant. Thus, this study found that the application of the Functional Sentence Analysis (FSA) Strategy is effective in helping tertiary-level students to improve their grammar, and this strategy should be adapted for instructional programs to improve English writing skills of Thai students at the university level.



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2022-04-05 — Updated on 2022-04-05


How to Cite

Compeerapap, J. . (2022). Effects of Functional Sentence Analysis Strategy in FSA Self-editing for the Correctness of Grammatical Usage Among Students Studying Experiential English II. Pasaa Paritat Journal, (36).



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