The Supporting Role of The Organization in Reducing Stress Emotional Exhaustion and Boredom in The Job of A Flight Attendant

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Kittitach Keawchaoon
Siriporn Khetjenkarn


The aviation industry plays an important role in the tourism sector by providing transportation. When the aviation industry began to expand more in every moment, it created intense competition. Each airline is aiming to adjust its strategy to survive in the industry by reducing the capital and improving service quality in order  to attract customers. The pressure and workload of changing corporate strategy puts flight attendants on stressful status, emotional exhaustion and boredom in the rising workloads. Such problems are extremely important for the airline organization to be aware of and find corrective measures. The purpose of this article is to share the reasons for each specific task, personal characteristics and pressure from society and organizations, which are factors that cause stress, emotional exhaustion and the boredom of working for a flight attendant and focus on the role of the organization to help reduce stress, physical and emotional exhaustion of employees, to help employees to engage in the organization (Commitment) ,to remain in the organization (Retention) which reduces the turnover rate (Turnover intention) of employees to reduce training costs and can improve service quality and overall business performance of the organization.

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How to Cite
Keawchaoon, K., & Khetjenkarn, S. (2022). The Supporting Role of The Organization in Reducing Stress Emotional Exhaustion and Boredom in The Job of A Flight Attendant. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University, 12(2), 103–120. Retrieved from
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