A Model for the Development of Customer Choices for 24-Hour Fitness Centers in Thailand





Model; , Marketing Mix;, Fitness Centers;, Customer Choices; , Thailand


Fitness companies in Thailand were a sustainable economic agency in the market development, it also has potential competitive ability in the projected market volume in the nation (Statista Market Forecast, 2023); furthermore, fitness is a kind of popular consumer behavior in Thailand, thus, fitness companies need a suitable model to assist them in advancing customer choices in the nation. Since then, the research aimed to establish a suitable model for advancing customer choice for 24-hour fitness centers in Thailand through sequential mixed-method research. In the quantitative analysis, the researcher selected three popular fitness brands in Thailand and distributed online questionnaires to customers who experienced these brands, a total of 400 valid collected questionnaires as the data in the research. Then, the researcher found: 1) fitness corporations need to enhance customer choices in Thailand, including demographic matters: females, ages greater than 40, salaries greater than 40000 baht monthly; 2) the product and the place were a significant relationship with brands choices for 24-hour fitness centers in Thailand; 3) five categories of preferred sports services on customer perspectives: weight services, speed services, indoor cycling services, personal coaching services, and freestyle exercises services; Then, by mixed method analysis, 4) combination to all findings to propose a suitable model of the development of customer choices for 24-hour fitness centers in Thailand, the model was validated by five experts and statistical testing. In the research process, the researcher followed ethical coding: anonymous, trust, and transparency. Finally, the research may provide empirical paradigms to stakeholders for advancing customer choice for all-hour fitness centers in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Zhang, C. . (2023). A Model for the Development of Customer Choices for 24-Hour Fitness Centers in Thailand. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(1), 51–66. https://doi.org/10.14456/jsasr.2023.6