Technology Acceptance Model to Intention of Use the Mobile Banking Services in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

Hui Guo
Qian Ling
Xiang Nan
Yu-Chen Wei
Praphaphan Wunsuk
Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model; , Intention of Use; , Mobile Banking Services
Published: Jul 15, 2023


Background and Aim: Technological intelligence is revolutionizing industries like electronics, e-commerce, and mobile banking, with banks launching new channels and fostering trust for successful adoption. This paper aims to examine the influence of technology acceptance on the intention to use mobile banking services in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

Materials and Methods: This study used a quantitative research method to gather data from mobile banking users in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. A structured questionnaire with 20 items was used to measure perceived usefulness, ease of use, trust, and intent of use. The questionnaire’s reliability was high, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient estimates ranging from 0.759 to 0.916. Multiple regression was used to examine the research hypothesis.

Results: The study uses the TAM Model to analyze the impact of perceived usefulness, ease of use, and trust on mobile banking intent in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. Results show that these factors are essential determinants of intent.

Conclusion: The study analyzes TAM Model’s impact on mobile banking intent in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, revealing usefulness, ease of use, and trust as essential determinants. Thai banks should introduce mobile banking services to improve customer satisfaction and productivity in Chiang Mai Province, considering factors like business environment, technological differences, and cross-country connections.

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How to Cite

Guo , H., Ling , Q., Nan , X., Wei , Y.-C., & Wunsuk, P. . (2023). Technology Acceptance Model to Intention of Use the Mobile Banking Services in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 3(4), 131–140.




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