A Study of User Continuance Intention on Online Fitness Platforms: A Perspective from TAM Theories





Online Fitness; , Flow Experience; , Self-efficacy; , Continuance Intention


Background and Aims: In light of the rapid emergence of the online fitness industry as an alternative to traditional fitness methods, particularly accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic, this study delves into the motivations and continuous usage behavior of users within online fitness platforms. Grounded in the context of health issues stemming from insufficient physical activity, the research aims to address challenges such as low user continuance rates and loyalty within the online fitness domain. To this end, the study constructs a comprehensive research framework drawing from theories including flow theory, technology acceptance model (TAM), and health belief model (HBM), thus exploring the intricate interplay of various factors influencing users' intention to persist with online fitness platforms.

Methodology: With a diverse sample comprising 606 valid questionnaires collected from a wide array of online fitness participants, the study employs purposive sampling to ensure representation across different demographics and user profiles. Through the utilization of structured questionnaires and statistical analyses including difference analysis, regression analysis, and path analysis using SPSS and AMOS software, the research reveals significant insights into the dynamics of user behavior within the online fitness realm. Specifically, findings confirm the positive impact of factors such as content quality, platform incentives, and subjective norms on users' perceived usefulness and flow experience, which in turn significantly influence their intention to continue using online fitness platforms.

Results: The study's conclusions not only contribute to a deeper understanding of online fitness user behavior but also offer practical implications for the operation and enhancement of fitness platforms. By elucidating the mediating and moderating effects of variables such as exercise self-efficacy and health awareness, the research provides valuable guidance for improving service quality, enhancing user stickiness, and ultimately promoting the sustained and healthy development of online fitness platform enterprises.

Conclusion: Through its interdisciplinary approach and empirical analysis, the study enriches the theoretical framework of the fitness industry while advancing initiatives for public health and well-being in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Rui, X. ., & Xu, R. . (2024). A Study of User Continuance Intention on Online Fitness Platforms: A Perspective from TAM Theories. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 4(4), 567–580. https://doi.org/10.60027/ijsasr.2024.4401


