Student Needs of Using the Cooperative Education Information at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


  • Kannikar Sanguandee


needs, students, information, cooperative education


This research aims to study the student needs to use the cooperative education information and student satisfaction on using the cooperative education information at the Faculty of Liberal Arts of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. The results showed that cooperative students needed to use cooperative education information in all aspects: steps of the information use, information services, and information technology. The details of each aspect showed that in the steps of the information use, they needed to use it conveniently and fast accessibly while in the services they needed  ready to download documents related to cooperative education, and for information technology the safety was most needed. In terms of student satisfactions, the results revealed that students were satisfied with all aspects of using the cooperative education information at a high level including management and support of using the information, quality of cooperative education information, as well as usefulness and application of cooperative education information. The details of each aspect showed that regarding management and support of the use of cooperative education information, students were satisfied with the safety of the access most. Regarding the quality of cooperative education information technology, they were satisfied with the more convenience to access the information. Lastly, the usefulness and the application of the cooperative education information, students were satisfied with the correctness of the information needed for their operation and evaluation.


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How to Cite

Sanguandee, K. (2022). Student Needs of Using the Cooperative Education Information at the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi. Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT, 1(1), 60–69. Retrieved from



Research Article