Developing Students to Achieve Learning Outcomes in Private Law Clinic Courses through Group Processes and Case Studies


  • Nipaporn Lapsatian School of Law University of Phayao


Learning Outcomes, Private Law Clinic Courses, Group Processes, Case Studies


The objectives of this research were 1. to study the learning management approaches through Group Process and Case Studies, 2. to apply the learning management approaches through Group Process and Case Studies in the Private Law Clinic course, and 3. to analyze whether learning management through Group Process and Case Studies can develop students to achieve learning outcomes in the Private Law Clinic course in all three dimensions: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This research was conducted using qualitative design. Data collection and descriptive analysis were conducted from documents, research reports, theses, academic articles, books, various websites, behavioral observations, and assessment forms.

The findings indicated that: 1. Learning management through Group Process and Case Studies provides various approaches that enhance students' learning experiences, 2. Learning management through Group Process and Case Studies is an active learning method in which learners play a primary role in their own learning, making it applicable to teaching management in the Private Law Clinic course, and 3. Learning management through Group Process and Case Studies  effectively developed students to achieve all three learning outcomes in the Private Law Clinic course: knowledge, skills, and attitudes.


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How to Cite

Lapsatian, N. (2024). Developing Students to Achieve Learning Outcomes in Private Law Clinic Courses through Group Processes and Case Studies. UP Law Journal, 3(2), 53. retrieved from


