
  • Zhao Ying Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Kamolmal Chaisirithanya Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Chuanchom Chinatangkul Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University


Instructional Leadership, Art Design Administrators, Colleges and Universities, Shenyang City


The objectives of this research were: (1) to explore the components of  instructional leadership of art design administrators in colleges and universities under Shenyang City. (2) to develop the managerial guidelines for components of  instructional leadership ofart design administrators in colleges and universities under Shenyang City.

The research was mixed methodology design which were comprised of quantitative research and qualitative research.The population included instructors and administrators in art design under Shenyang City,with a total of 1037. The sample size was determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s Table (1970), and obtained by stratified random sampling technique,totalling 314. The key informants were composed of 9 key informants,deans,directors, instructors of art design in colleges and universities in Shenyang. The instruments used for data collection included a semi-structured interview, a five-level rating scale questionnaire, and note taking by Focus Group Discussion.The statistics used for data analysis was descriptive statistics and Exploratory Factor Analysis as well as content analysis was employed.

The research findings revealed that:(1)there were six components of instructional leadership of art design administrators in colleges and universities under Shenyang which consisted of curriculum and instruction management,supportive work environment, teacher’s professional development,instructional process management, evaluation of instructional process,and commnication of mission and objectives; (2)there were 18 guidelines as follows:strengthen the management of all courses and the instruction of courses;provide resources and support for instructional practice; improve the supervision system of instructional process;strengthen the construction of instructional environment;strengthen home-school cooperation; perfect the psychological consultation mechanism of students;strengthen instructional reform and curriculum construction;strengthen the construction of teachers;strengthen the construction of experimental base;establish a instructional quality assurance system; establish instructional evaluation and monitoring system;regularly carry out instructional and research activities; establish a diversified instructional evaluation system;formulate systematic social practice standards;formulate standards for the growth of teachers and students;establish a correct educational concept;strengthen support for teacher training; strengthen support for students' professional development.


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How to Cite

Ying, Z. ., Chaisirithanya, K. ., & Chinatangkul, C. . (2023). INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP OF ART DESIGN ADMINISTRATORS IN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES UNDER SHENYANG CITY. วารสารวิจัยธรรมศึกษา, 6(2), 123–137. สืบค้น จาก