Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix Affecting Buying Facial Product of Working Women in Bangkok


  • Boonsita Arunyakanon Thongsook College
  • Phumpichai Tandamrong Thongsook College
  • Benyada Terbwanichchakhun Thongsook College


consumer behavior, marketing mix factors, Facial Product of working women


This research aims to study Consumer behavior and marketing mix affecting buying Facial Product of working women in Bangkok. By collecting data from a sample of working women aged between 21-50 years in the area of Thaweewatana district, Bangkok a total of 400 people analyze data by using frequency percentage average and standard deviations are tested for hypotheses to find relationships using statistics chi-square and testing the hypothesis to compare using t-test and F-test or One-way ANOVA.
Findings were as follows: The majority of respondents were not over 30 years old. Most have single status. Have a bachelor's degree Have a private business career Most have an average monthly income of 15,001- 20,000 baht per month and will have work in the shade. By behavioral behavior affecting the selection of facial product of working women in Bangkok. Most will choose to buy product for cleansing products. The purpose of the purchase is to clean the skin. The purchase will be less than 500 baht. The frequency of the purchase is 1 time per month. The place to buy is in the department store. The influential person in the purchase is self-determination. And the source of information for buying is television advertising. Marketing mix factors in the decision to buy facial product for working men in the area of Thaweewatana district, Bangkok, the overall is at a high level and considering the aspect, it was found that all aspects of the marketing mix were at a high level in all aspects. Both product, price, distribution channel, marketing promotion for personnel in service process and physical characteristics in the decision to buy facial product of working women in Bangkok are different but the type of facial product purchased analysis between personal data and cosmetic buying behavior found that the sample group on age, status, education level income per month and behavior differing focus on marketing mix factors in the decision to buy facial product of different ages except for different occupations giving importance to marketing mix factors in purchasing decisions for facial product are no different and the analysis of the marketing mix affects facial product buying behavior of working men found that the purchased cost, place to buy, people with influence in buying, and the sources of buying information different, giving importance to marketing mix factors In the decision to buy facial product are not different.


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How to Cite

Arunyakanon, B., Tandamrong, P., & Terbwanichchakhun, B. (2021). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix Affecting Buying Facial Product of Working Women in Bangkok. Journal of Dhammasuksa Research, 4(2), 191–198. Retrieved from