
  • Bai Xue Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Pornthep Muangman Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University
  • Peerapong Tipanark Faculty of Education, Bangkokthonburi University


resilient leadership, teacher job satisfaction, Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities


The objectives of this study were: (1) To explore the compents and indicators of administrators' leadership and teachers' job satisfaction; (2) To study the factors of administrators' leadership affecting teachers' job satisfaction in Tongliao City University of Nationalities, Inner Mongolia; (3) To propose the guidelines for improving the leadership of administrators at Tongliao University for Nationalities in Inner Mongolia.

The study utilized a mixed-method approach combining quantitative and qualitative research. The population of thesis research consisted of 2037 teachers of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities, Totaling 330 samples. The key informants were five administrators drawn from Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities and from the institutions through purposive sampling method. The experts for the focus group discussions consisted of five experts. Data collection instruments included a five-point scale questionnaire and a validity and reliability checklist. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, (EFA) exploratory Factor Analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Both in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were analyzed using content analysis.

The results of the revealed showed : 1.There factors of resilient leadership 1) mental toughness, 2) emotional toughness, 3) social toughness, and 4) moral humanity, as well as 15 components, 1) Occupational Mental Toughness 2) Work Environment and Facilities, 3) Salary and Benefits, 4) Career Development Opportunities 5) Student Relations and Teaching Experiences, and 15 Components of teacher job satisfaction. 2. The four influencing factors of resilient leadership have an impact on teachers' job satisfaction at Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities factors leading. 3. 15 guidelines for leadership improvement and teacher satisfaction at Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities are proposed. Through the policy implementation of resilient leadership, the vision of the leadership function of Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities will be realized to lead the development of higher education, to promote the administrative function of higher education and to improve the viability of each university.


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How to Cite

Xue, B. ., Muangman , P. ., & Tipanark, P. . (2024). FACTORS OF ADMINISTRATOR’S RESLIENCE LEADERSHIP AFFECTNG TEACHERS’ JOB SATISFACTION IN INNER MONGOLIA UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES IN TONG LIAO CITY, INNER MONGOLIA. Journal of Dhammasuksa Research, 7(1), 141–154. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dsr/article/view/3712