The Adaptation of Restaurant Business for Existence and Opportunity during the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Thareethip Laowirojanakul Dhurakij Pundit University


1. Adaptation 2. Existence 3. Food Business 4. Restaurant 5. COVID-19


This study aims to study the restaurant business’s adaptation and the managerial concepts for business existence and opportunity for the entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic. The qualitative research data was conducted from restaurant business entrepreneurs and executives as the research key informants using an in-depth focus group interview. The finding showed the restaurant business experienced the self-adaptation of revenue making and cost & expense controlling and the external assistance from public, private and social sectors. The restaurant managerial concept for the restaurant business to adapt themselves in business existence and opportunity was indicated into 4 elements; 1) Business Structure 2) Sales and Marketing 3) Service for Customer and 4) Innovation. The study can be benefit for in-trouble restaurant business or other related organizations to apply, create, adjust or diversify the data for their business opportunity and capability to survive in this pandemic of COVID-19 and until its end.


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How to Cite

Laowirojanakul, T. (2023). The Adaptation of Restaurant Business for Existence and Opportunity during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Siam Academic Review, 24(42), 57–74. retrieved from



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