Personal Factors Affecting Ecology Car Buying Decision Behaviors in Thonburi Area


  • Kulyada Natradeethanat Jass and Grant International Co., Ltd
  • Pichit Eamsopana Siam University
  • Rungroje Songsraboon Siam University
  • Jitravee Thongtao Siam University


Personal Factors, Car Buying Decision Behaviors, Ecology Car


The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between personal factors and ecology car purchase decision behavior in Thonburi area. The study sample was a group of people in Thonburi area who expect to buy an ecology car within the next one year. Data were collected in March 2022. Four hundred people were selected using random sampling. The instrument used for the data collection was a questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics that consists of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The hypotheses were tested by the chi-square statistic. The results showed that most of the samples were female, 21-30 years old, held bachelor's degree, and had occupation as private company employees with income less than 15,001 Baht. The results of data analysis on the behaviors of buying ecology cars found that the sample group chose to buy Toyota cars the most, considering the fuel economy. Most of them considered cars under 600,000 Baht and buying decision took place within 3 months. The hypothesis tests of personal factors affecting buying behavior of ecology cars found that age, education level, occupation, and average monthly income affected buying behaviors of ecology cars in Thonburi area. However, there was no evidence that gender factor affected buying behaviors of ecology cars in Thonburi area.


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How to Cite

Natradeethanat, K., Eamsopana, P., Songsraboon, R., & Thongtao, J. (2024). Personal Factors Affecting Ecology Car Buying Decision Behaviors in Thonburi Area. Siam Academic Review, 25(44), 29–38. Retrieved from



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