Impact of Elderly Life Quality and Adaptation on Elderly Work Potential Development in Phuket


  • Abhisara Tubsuwan Southeast Bangkok University
  • Ampol Navavongsathian Southeast Bangkok College
  • Patima Rungrueng Southeast Bangkok University
  • Pattarada Rungruang Southeast Bangkok University
  • Yannawat Ploythed Southeast Bangkok University


Quality of life, Adaptation of the Elderly, Work Potential Development, Elderly People


This research aims 1) to study the quality of life, adaptation, and work potential development of the elderly in Phuket, 2) to compare the level of potential development in working among the elderly in Phuket based on personal data, and 3) to analyze the influence of quality of life and adaptation on the development of work potential of the elderly in Phuket. The sample consisted of 385 people who were more than 60 years old and lived in Phuket. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested by t-test, F-test, and stepwise multiple regression coefficient analysis.

The results showed that 1) the elderly had a high level of quality of life. Adaptation was at a high level. The development of the work potential of the elderly was at a high level. 2) The elderly with differences of genders, family status, family characteristics, monthly income, and occupations affected the development of the work potential of the elderly in Phuket at a statistical significance level of 0.05, and 3) the quality of life in the environment, role and dependency adjustments had influence on the development of working potential of the elderly in Phuket.



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How to Cite

Tubsuwan, A. ., Navavongsathian, A., Rungrueng, P. ., Rungruang, P., & Ploythed, Y. (2024). Impact of Elderly Life Quality and Adaptation on Elderly Work Potential Development in Phuket. Siam Academic Review, 25(44), 56–78. Retrieved from



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