A Study of Expectation and Hands-on Action in Instructors’ Teaching and Learning Management of “RMUTT Identity” Course from RMUTT First Year Student’ s Perspectives
teaching and learning management, “RMUTT Identity” course, expectation, hands-on actionAbstract
The objectives of this study were to: 1) examine students’ expectation and hands-on action of instructors’ teaching and learning management of the “RMUTT Identity” course, 2) compare between students’ expectation and hands-on action of instructors’ teaching and learning management of the “RMUTT Identity” course., in terms of instructors’ identity, teaching techniques, course details, teaching and learning activity, teaching and learning innovation and media, and students’ learning evaluation. The population in this study was all students who registered in the RMUTT Identity course in the second semester of the 2021 academic year. The data was collected through an electronic questionnaire form. Statistics used for analyzing data included percentage, mean, standard deviation and dependent sample t-test.
It was found that: 1) students’ expectation regarding both in overall and each aspect of instructors’ teaching and learning management, were at high levels. Teacher attributes had the highest average score. A course content had the lowest average score; 2) students’ perspectives on both in overall and each aspec of the hands-on action of the instructors’ teaching and learning management, were at high levels. The teacher attributes had the highest average. The course content had the lowest average score; 3) By comparing between teaching and learning management’s expectation and hands-on action, the results showed that the students’ perspectives on the instructors’ hands-on action was statistically higher than the expectation at a significant level of .05 in every aspect.
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