Storytelling of Camping Tourism Towards Sustainable Tourism Management


  • Wanwisa Ploy Insawang Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Pitak Siriwong Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University



storytelling, camping tourism, sustainable tourism management


This research aimed to study the stories of campers and provide guidelines for sustainable camping tourism management. Through the storytelling of the experience of camping tourism, the researcher reflected the thoughts of the group of camping tourists, in which the researcher had the status of an "inside group" (Emic) by means of Critical Autoethnography. The sample group included 15 campers with more than 3 years of experience. The research instruments were informal in-depth interviews with emphasis on dialogue and mutual experience along with participant observation. The results showed that with current social trends, the form of camping tourism has changed regarding both physical characteristics such as camping sites, equipment, and facilities as well as the behavioral characteristics of the new generation of campers. As a result, there must be a guideline for managing such tourism to be sustainable, covering all 4 dimensions: 1) Sustainable management, 2) Maximizing benefits and reducing negative social impacts, 3) Increasing benefits and reducing negative cultural impacts on communities and tourists, and 4) increasing benefits and reducing negative impacts on the environment to maximize the benefits from sustainable and persistent camping.


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How to Cite

Insawang, W. P., & Siriwong, P. (2023). Storytelling of Camping Tourism Towards Sustainable Tourism Management . Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT, 4(2), 28–42.



Research Article