Beliefs and Faith Encouraging Tourism in Phatthalung Province


  • Maythika Puangsang Department of General Education, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon
  • Penpim Phuangsuwan College of Management, University of Phayao, Bangkok, Thailand



Tourism in Phatthalung Province, belief, faith


          The objective of this research is to study and present the beliefs, attitudes, and travel behaviors in the area of Phatthalung Province. It aims to establish connections that can motivate and drive tourists to engage in travel activities. The research utilizes a qualitative research methodology through studying documents and conducting non-participatory observations, as well as analyzing data through content analysis.

            The study found that beliefs and faith in the area of Phatthalung province can be divided into three categories: 1) Beliefs related to sacred objects, 2) Beliefs related to local teachers or important figures and 3) Beliefs associated with religious ideologies. These beliefs and faith, which stem from the origin of sacred rituals, have promoted the development of the belief-related tourism in the area. As a result, tourists have been increasingly visiting the region each year. The relevant organizations have been fostering the faith-based tourism, enhancing the physical development of the sacred sites, and improving access routes to tourist destinations. This faith-based tourism allows travelers to gain knowledge about the history of the place and the interconnected historical narratives. For instance, the connection between Wat Khao Om and the legendary Khun Phan heritage in the southern region serves as an external factor that captivates tourists who value history. In addition to the internal factors influenced by personal beliefs and faith, which impact thoughts and travel decisions, historical factors play a significant role in attracting tourists who prioritize historical significance. Thus, these factors collectively contribute to the motivation and decision-making process for tourists' travel and tourism experiences.



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How to Cite

Puangsang, M., & Phuangsuwan, P. (2023). Beliefs and Faith Encouraging Tourism in Phatthalung Province. Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT, 4(2), 58–71.



Research Article