Passengers’ Attitude towards Services of Suvarnabhumi Airport Staff during COVID-19 Pandemic Situationn


  • Sudsawat Jitsupa -
  • Chanoksuda Meepoo
  • Phornteera Utarin
  • Irada Samakkarn


The purposes of this research were to 1) examine passengers’ attitude, and 2) compare passengers’ attitude towards services of Suvarnabhumi Airport staff during COVID-19 situation that were affected by different factors according to passengers’ background. There were 400 passengers who had travelled from Suvarnabhumi Airport during the COVID--19 situation and were aged 20 years or more. The passengers of this age range are considered as the age of maturity and able to travel by plane alone were selected as the samples for this research. The tool used for collecting data in this research was a questionnaire with the reliability level of 0.975. Based on the calculations of Taro Yamane's sample size, by the samples were selected by random sampling and was determined at the 95 percent confidence level with 5% discrepancy. The statistics used in data analysis were descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and inferential statistics t-test and F-test (One-way Anova).      The results of this research showed that passengers’ attitude towards services of Suvarnabhumi Airport staff during COVID-19 pandemic situation in overall was at the highest level ( =4.236, S.D=.531). The highest mean score was building passengers’ confidence, followed by recognizing and understanding passengers, responding to passengers, being reliable, and being concrete services, respectively. In addition, the results of the hypothesis test were found that when comparing the attitudes of passengers with different sexes towards services of Suvarnabhumi Airport staff during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, there was no-statistically significant difference at the significance level of 0.05. Also, comparing the attitudes of passengers of different ages, professions and average monthly income towards services of Suvarnabhumi Airport staff during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, there were no-statistically significant difference at the significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Jitsupa, S., Meepoo, C., Utarin, P., & Samakkarn, I. (2022). Passengers’ Attitude towards Services of Suvarnabhumi Airport Staff during COVID-19 Pandemic Situationn. Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT, 3(1), 39–52. Retrieved from



Research Article