Use of "Stem Studies" in the Development of Teaching and Learning in Social Science Under the Special of Social Science Research


  • Manipat Saimek -


Stem Studies, teaching development, learning and teaching



          The purpose of this research is to develop teaching and learning in higher education. By means of the "Stem Studies" technique for the development of social science courses. In which the researchers have experimented with using the STEM method to adjust teaching techniques to increase knowledge and understanding of social science research courses which is a study of learning management that integrates knowledge in 4 subjects: Science (S), Technology (T), Engineering (E), and Math (M).

          The results showed that higher education students who studied social science research subjects and be taught by a "full education" to develop and increase the level of knowledge were the best in three issues: 1. The ability to search for information easily, 2. can use statistics to analyze the data in excellent in basic level, 3. Able to plan research design by oneself, resulting in accurate and effective research.


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How to Cite

Saimek, M. (2022). Use of "Stem Studies" in the Development of Teaching and Learning in Social Science Under the Special of Social Science Research. Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT, 3(1), 83–89. Retrieved from



Research Article