Holy Water : Cultural Heritage and the Potentail Development of Cultural Tourism in Nakhon Si Thammarat


  • Sudawan Meebua -


holy water, learning base, belief and faith activities


The study of Holy Water: Cultural Heritage and the Development of the Cultural Tourism Potential in Nakhon Si Thammarat aims to 1) study the general context, history, community beliefs, and rites of the holy water in Nakhon Si Thammarat 2) study the cultural tourism potential of the holy water in Nakhon Si Thammarat and 3) build the learning base of holy water to encourage the cultural tourism. The study was the qualitative research. Data was collected by studying historical document, using area survey, interviewing experts and people who involve in the holy water. Then data was analyzed and synthesized. Learning process and the model development of preservation were used to visualize the lesson learned and to find ways to support for faith and belief learning source.

          The research shows that there are 6 holy waters which have completely three characteristics in Nakhon Si Thammarat: the well in front of Phra Lan Temple, the well of Semamuang Temple, the well of Semachai Temple, the well of Pratookhaw Temple, the Pak Nakaraj Brook, and Khao Mahachai Brook. For ways to develop the preservation, learning base must be built to be cultural attractions by using the community and society participation. Learning base must be prepared and built to be a good and faithful area. They should also be convenient for local people to access. They should have strongly social connection and responsibility. They should have the power to move the society and to organize activities.       They should have strongly thought base, the belief, and the faith in the holy water. They should organize activities about the belief and social process to build continuously the positive image of the holy water and the communities.


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How to Cite

Meebua, S. (2022). Holy Water : Cultural Heritage and the Potentail Development of Cultural Tourism in Nakhon Si Thammarat. Journal of Liberal Arts RMUTT, 3(1), 26–38. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JLA/article/view/808



Research Article