Compare the effectiveness of teaching law using lecture-only methods versus teaching methods based on The United Kingdom Professional Standards Framework.
legal teaching, integrated, UK PSF, teaching method, student developmentAbstract
Based on the authors' experience teaching law in Thailand's civil law system, most universities emphasize learning legal content through reading, writing, and memorization of Supreme Court guidelines and interpretations. The central question guiding legal education has long been "What is the law?" Consequently, the authors have observed that instructors may possess deep knowledge in their specific legal domains but often lack practical experience and interdisciplinary perspectives. This raises concern that such a narrow educational focus on memorizing and understanding the law fails to cultivate the integrated thinking skills considered essential for legal practice and scholarship in the modern era.
In the authors' experience designing law courses, incorporating diverse teaching methods, such as research-based, lecture-based, problem-based, and project-based learning, can accelerate students' skill development and enhance their professional preparation. By employing a mix of pedagogical approaches in classes, improvements have been seen in both teaching and learning outcomes. Adopting a multifaceted instructional strategy best aligns with the demands of the contemporary legal landscape, which values not only doctrinal expertise but also critical analysis, practical problem-solving, and the ability to navigate complex, interdisciplinary issues. This perspective is informed by years of experience as legal educators in Thailand.
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