The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Strengthening the Authentic Happiness along Humanism in the Present Society


  • Kittipong Suwannawong Saint John’s University
  • Sawat Anothai Saint John’s University
  • Kanyawee Sathapong Saint John’s University


ufficiency Economy Philosophy, Strengthening the Authentic Happiness, Humanism, Present Society


          The objectives of this research paper were to: 1) study the concept of strengthening the authentic happiness along humanism in the present society; 2) study the sufficiency economy philosophy as the path of strengthening the authentic happiness; 3) integrate the sufficiency economy philosophy into strengthening the authentic happiness along humanism in the present society; 4) create a new body of knowledge and model of strengthening the authentic happiness along humanism with the sufficiency economy philosophy in the present society. This research was a qualitative one based on documentary research upon the analytic, appreciative and applicative approaches so as to lead to the creativity of new body of knowledge in philosophy and religion.

          The results of research were found as follows: Humanism assumes that man is the intelligent being to search for reasoning and to attain the reality leading to strengthen the authentic happiness along intellectual instinct. The sufficiency economy philosophy is the way of developmental practice based upon the middle path and living life carelessly with taking into account of moderation, reasonableness, self-immunity as well as knowledge and moral to live life with self-reliance of knowing enoughness, moderation and satisfaction. To integrate the sufficiency economy philosophy into strengthening the authentic happiness along the postmodern paradigm is based creating one’ own happiness on others’ one related to enhance the life quality with apperception, mercifulness, production culture, thinking analytically of consuming

real value, self-reliance, the principle of realizing in one’ own potentiality, understanding, accessibility and development leading to the sustainable development goals. This is the path of right understanding, practice and development to strengthen the authentic happiness. As for the creativity of new body of knowledge on this research is AHAR = WMVW   LQD.


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How to Cite

Suwannawong, K. ., Anothai, S. ., & Sathapong, K. . (2023). The Sufficiency Economy Philosophy for Strengthening the Authentic Happiness along Humanism in the Present Society. Journal of Dhammasuksa Research, 6(1), 315–326. retrieved from