Ethical Sales Representative Influencing Relationship Quality of Medical Equipment’s Customers in Private Hospitals
Ethical Sales Representative, Relationship Quality, Private HospitalsAbstract
The objectives of this research were: (1) to study ethical sales representative influencing of relationship quality of medical equipment’s customers in private hospitals; (2) to analyze relationship between ethical sales representative and relationship quality of medical equipment’s customers in private hospitals, and (3) to analyze the multiple regression equation of ethical sales representative influencing relationship quality of medical equipment’s customers in private hospitals. The sample consisted of 400 samples of medical laboratory workers in private hospitals in Thailand by collecting specific data. The tools used for data collection were questionnaires. The statistics used in the research were descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation. The correlation was used to Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and a multiple linear regression with stepwise.
The results of the study revealed that the majority of medical workers in the medical room were male, aged between 31-35 years old, bachelor's degree, single status, average monthly income 20,001–30,000 baht and have 4-6 years of work experience that is statistically significant. The ethical sales representative that positively affected the relationship quality of medical equipment’s customers in private hospitals the most was honesty, followed by morality and fairness, and can be written as a multiple linear regression equation as follows:
relationship quality of medical equipment’s customers in private hospitals = 1.415 + 0.225 (Honesty) + 0.162 (Moral) + 0.225 (Fairness)
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