Development Guidelines for Recreational Vehicles (RV) Tourism in Thailand
recreational vehicles, motivations for RV tourism, guidelines for developing RV-supported tourismAbstract
The objective of this research is to study potentials for Recreational Vehicles (RV) Tourism in Thailand including motivations for travelers by means of RVs. This research aims to suggest guidelines for boosting RV tourism in order to serve as an alternative for tourism in Thailand. The research was conducted by qualitative research methodology using Netnography, in-depth interviews with 5 main subjects, and analyses of the environment and the potentials of RV Tourism with SWOT model in order to strategize using the TOWS matrix. The results showed few cases of RV tourism in Thailand mainly due to logistical limitations and RV parking campsites. Another reason that RVs are scarcely used is because of high prices despite the fact that several Thai travelers express demands for RV tourism. RVs suit the needs of modern tourism due to their comfort, convenience, safety, and privacy that allows travelers to enjoy their trips without sharing a transportation with strangers. All in all, the researcher has suggested guidelines for developing RV tourism as an alternative means of traveling in this day and age.
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