
  • Samanan RATTANASIRIVILAI Graduate School, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Sippaphat ROTJANAWASUTHORN Association of Legal & Political Studies, Thailand
  • Vanisa PAKVICHAI White Tiger Global Co., Ltd., Thailand



Knowledge Management, Innovation, Manufacturing Companies, Business Performance


The purpose of the current study is to inspect the effects of knowledge management on the innovation as well as the effects of innovation on business performance along with the mediating role of innovation among the links of knowledge management and business performance in the manufacturing companies of Thailand. The data were collected by employing the questionnaire method from the R&D department of manufacturing companies and the PLS-SEM tool was used to inference the results. The findings exposed that positive linkage among all the dimensions of knowledge management and innovation and innovation and business performance. The findings also show that innovation has mediated among the links of knowledge management and business performance. These outputs give help to the innovation adoption and implementation authorities that they should more focus on innovation-related matters.


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How to Cite

Rattanasirivilai, S., Rotjanawasuthorn, S., & Pakvichai, V. (2023). THE LINKAGE AMONG THE KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION: AN EVIDENCE FROM THAILAND. Asian Education and Learning Review, 1(1), 44–58.