
  • Thanaporn SRIYAKUL Faculty of Business Administration, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thaialnd
  • Chayongkan PAMORNMAST Faculty of Business Administration, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thaialnd
  • Tanapon VIPAPORN White Tiger Global Company Limited, Thailand



Learning Orientation, Individual Market Orientation, Job Performance


This study aims to investigate whether individual market orientation (IMO) makes learning orientation (LO) easier to establish before affecting business to business performance of salespersons in the banking sector. In addition, through a structured questionnaire, data were collected from 490 business to business salespersons from foreign and local financial firms operating in Bangkok, Thailand. The IMO scale was utilized to assess the behavior of market orientation (MO), in particular with respect to coordination of strategic response (COSR), information dissemination (ID) and information acquisition (IA). For the analysis of the proposed hypotheses, the data were analyzed through PLS-SEM. Information Propagation and coordination of strategic response have been reported to influence the relationship between education and job performance (JP) with a significant intervention impact. The findings of the study indicate that the correlation between LO and JP is significantly mediated by ID and COSR. Salespersons with strong learning principles are well positioned to respond to and disseminate new information related to market. Finally, such activities enabled them to achieve a high level of JP. Through monitoring and assessing their salespeople's market-oriented behavior, companies can focus on market-oriented performance assessment and appropriate training of skills. This study strengthens the current body of knowledge on IMO and LO by introducing a framework that is empirically validated as a reliable and valid indicator of JP.


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