
  • Jamaluddin AHMAD Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang, Indonesia
  • Ahmad MUSTANIR Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang, Indonesia
  • Prapakorn MANKHONG White Tiger Global Company Limited, Thailand



Knowledge Management Enabler, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Learning Orientation, Employee, Indonesia


The prime objective of the study is to investigate the impact of the knowledge management enablers on the employee entrepreneurial orientation. In addition to that the study has examined the moderating role of learning orientation in the relationship between the knowledge management enablers and employee entrepreneurial orientation. In accordance with the preceding studies and researchers, conferring to , knowledge management enabler specified influence factors, these factors could enable knowledge management events and activities that included systematization and information sharing among personnel. The study has used the SEM-PLS to analyses the data collected form Indonesian SMEs. The finds of the study revealed that this research has had extensive repercussions related to theory and empirical work. Previous research and data show that learning orientation and entrepreneurial orientation may not be directly impacting an employee but in different behaviors and manners it impacts positively on an employee performance. The study will be helpful for the policy makers and researchers in understanding the nexus between Knowledge Management Enabler, employee entrepreneurial Orientation and Learning orientation.


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