
  • Akramanee SOMJAI Graduate School, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Sirinapattha SIRINAPATPOKIN Jung Wattana Group Co., Ltd.
  • Oratia KUMTABUT Graduate School, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand



Knowledge Management, Organizational Performance, Organizational Strategy


The prime focus of the current study is to investigate the impact of the critical success factors of knowledge management (CSFs of KM) namely, human resource management, leadership, organizational learnings, and information technology of knowledge management on the organizational performance perceptive. Secondly the study has examined the impact of the CSFs of KM namely, human resource management, leadership, organizational learnings, and information technology of knowledge management on the organizational strategy. Finally, the study has examined the impact of the organizational strategy on the organizational performance. Out of 250 questionnaires we have received 225 questionnaires back from Thai universities, so the total useable questionnaires were 210, with response rate of 84%. We have selected the PLS-SEM approach for further analysis, this approach is also known as second generation technique. The results of study highlighted that in organizational growth knowledge management plays an important role in the researcher claimed about the CSFs of KM that have a positive and significant link with the company’s abilities. Therefore, the findings pointed out the requirement of further investigations. Generally, the achievement during execution of knowledge management execution acts as a turning point on the workers encouragement to apply knowledge, to help create innovation and share for awareness.


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