
  • Sudawan SOMJAI Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Thailand
  • Parinya SIRIATTAKUL Association of Legal & Political Studies, Thailand
  • Sutas JAEPHO White Tiger Global Company Limited, Thailand



Organizational Learning, Innovative Culture, Organizational Performance, Leadership Styles, SMEs


The aim of this research is to determine organizational learning (OL) and innovative culture (IC) as a mediating variable between transformational and transactional leadership styles and organizational performance (OP) in SMEs in Thailand. By using postal and email approach the data was collected from top management of the organization. Results demonstrate that leadership styles have a major impact on IC, OL and OP. In addition, OL and IC positively and significantly impact OP. Likewise, the correlation between transformational and transactional leadership and OP is significantly mediated by OL and IC. Practically, this study allows owners/managers in the small and medium-sized enterprises to prioritize leadership styles through OL and IC while choosing to boost their organizational performance. This research is a landmark in the assessment of third-order leadership models through the use of two mediators such as: OL and IC.


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