Muslim Widows and Physical Activity Spaces: Health Promotion in the Deep South Unrest
space, Muslim women, widows, health promotion, physical activityAbstract
This quantitative study on “Muslim Widows and Physical Activity Spaces: Health Promotion in the Deep South Unrest” aimed to investigate collaborations of the Provincial Islamic Councils, the Mental Health Center 12, and other relevant authorities on Muslim widows’ physical activity spaces in the unrest context through the views of 348 sample Muslim widows. Their suggestions for their health promotion activity were also to be proposed. The obtained data were analyzed by using the SPSS program. The findings indicated the following.
Collaborations of public authorities and private sectors were most found at a moderate degree on giving an opportunity to widows to join community activities (30.5%), followed by a high degree (30.2%). The collaboration on support of Muslim widows’ physical activities, such as attending religious lectures, were most found at a high degree (39.1%), followed by a moderate one (31.6%).
A majority of views on collaborations in building Muslim widows’ awareness of physical activity engagement was at a high degree (33.3%). The collaborations covered public relations forms and provision of physical activities suitable to their ages and Muslim femininity. Collaboration in provision of physical activity tools was the most reported at a moderate degree. Provision of single sex spaces for physical activity were mostly found at the lowest degree (41.1%).
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