A Study of Relationship between Academic Self-efficacy and Professional Commitment with Teacher Support on Students' Academic Achievements in Higher Vocational Colleges

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Shibing Zhou
Wenchuan Wu


In recent years, a large number of empirical studies based on the theory of self-determination have found teachers' support can significantly and positively predict students' academic achievements (Chen & Guo, 2016). The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of teacher support, academic self-efficacy, and professional commitment on the academic achievement of higher vocational students based on the theory of self-determination. Methods: 840 vocational college students were tested by questionnaire. Because students' academic achievements are related to the quality of higher education, however, not all students' academic achievements are invested in learning activities independently, and a big factor in learning gains is students' social support. After consulting previous research and existing literature, this research chooses teacher support as an independent variable, the academic achievement of vocational students as a dependent variable, the academic self-efficacy of students as the mediation variable, and professional commitment as a moderator variable in students' social support. The results show that: 1. There was a significant positive correlation among teacher support, academic self-efficacy, professional commitment, and academic achievement; 2. Academic self-efficacy plays a part of the intermediary role in the influence of teacher support on academic achievement; 3. Professional commitment plays a moderating role in the influence of teacher support on academic achievement. Finally, based on the conclusions of the study, this study puts forward specific suggestions for future research.

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How to Cite
Zhou, S. ., & Wu, W. . (2022). A Study of Relationship between Academic Self-efficacy and Professional Commitment with Teacher Support on Students’ Academic Achievements in Higher Vocational Colleges. International Journal of Sociologies and Anthropologies Science Reviews, 2(6), 57–68. https://doi.org/10.14456/jsasr.2022.44


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