Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Dhammasuksa Research Vol. 7 No. 2 (July – December 2024)

					View Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Dhammasuksa Research Vol. 7 No. 2 (July – December 2024)

The 7th edition of the Dhammastudy Research Journal has been refined and developed to align with the quality assessment criteria for academic journals listed in the TCI database for the 5th cycle (2025–2029), as announced by the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI). Specifically, it adheres to the main criteria, item 2, which requires journals to have a valid International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) registered under the correct English title in compliance with international standards.

The editorial team has therefore undertaken the process of canceling the previous ISSN (2730-1753) with the National Library of Thailand and has registered a new ISSN, 3027-8457 (Online), to comply with the assessment criteria for academic journals. This new ISSN will be used for the online version of the journal moving forward.

This edition continues to feature valuable and high-quality articles, similar to previous editions. All published articles are presented in both Thai and English, contributed by academics from various institutions, as well as students and researchers. The featured works include a variety of formats, such as research articles, academic articles, and book reviews, all of which have undergone a rigorous selection and review process.

On behalf of the editor and the editorial board of the Dhammastudy Research Journal, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the contributors from various organizations for sharing their valuable and high-quality works. This collective effort plays a crucial role in generating valuable knowledge for Thai society and the global community in a sustainable manner.

Published: 12/31/2024

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